1st Edition
Charvensod - San Grato
7.15 Km
1200 D+



Art. 1 Organization

The association "Becca di Nona 3142 a.s.d.", in collaboration with the Municipality of Charvensod and with the technical support of the Technosport store, organizes the vertical in pairs called "BeccaNight” which will take place on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

Art. 2 Acceptance of the Regulation

The race will take place in accordance with these regulations, any changes and notices that will be published on the websitewww.beccadinona.it.

Participation in the aforementioned event implies, by the registered competitors, the unreserved acceptance of this regulation, in all its parts.

Competitors are also required to comply with the highway code, in particular in the sections where the route crosses the ordinary road network that will not be closed to vehicular traffic.

By registering, each competitor undertakes to comply with these Regulations and declines the organizers from any civil or criminal liability for any accident or accident, for damage to persons or things derived from him or caused by himself, which may occur before, during and after the event.

Art. 3 Try

The test consists of a race on foot in a natural environment that runs through roads, paths and mule tracks, the territory of the Municipality of Charvensod. The race takes place with a time trial start, in the days before the competition it will be published on the websitewww.beccadinona.it the detailed program with the starting time of each team.

The race has a development of about 7 km and a positive elevation gain of about 1200 meters.

Art. 4 Participation

The race is open to all people, men and women who:

  • Were born on or before July 17, 2008.

And that they are in possession of:

  • Sports medical certificate for competitive activity valid on the date of the event. Self-certification or declaration of healthy and robust physical constitution issued by one's doctor is not allowed. For athletes of foreign nationality it is not required a medical certificate of competitive activity but it is necessary to send the form (downloadable from the website) completed and signed by your family doctor.

Children under the age of 18 will also need to provide a waiver signed by a parent.

Art. 5 Registration procedures

Registrations will open on April 24 and close on June 30, 2024 or upon reaching a total of 204 registered competitors (i.e. 102 teams). Registrations can be made:

  • online with payment at the same time as the website wedosport.net;
  • through the paper forms available at the Becca di Nona stand 3142 set up during the races of the Soirée Vertikal circuit (24 April in Champdepraz, 15 May in Verrayes, 22 May in Saint-Oyen, 5 June in Cogne)

In the event that the registered competitor does not provide the sports medical certificate, the bib will not be delivered and the team will not be able to take part in the race, without the right to any refund of the registration fee.

Art. 6 Entry fees

The entry fees for BeccaNight are as follows:

  • 40€ inpair: for registrations made using a paper form signed at the Becca stand in Nona 3142 set up during the races of the Soirée Vertikal circuit (24 April in Champdepraz, 15 May in Verrayes, 22 May in Saint-Oyen, 5 June in Cogne);
  • 50 € per pair: for registrations made online on the wedosport.net portal from 24 April to 5 June;
  • 60 € per pair: for registrations made online on the wedosport.net portal starting from 6 June.

The registration fee includes all the services described in these regulations, the final dinner, the finisher's gadget, all assistance and supplies during the race.

Art. 7 Bib change

It is possible to change the name of one of the team members by 12:00 noon on 10 July 2024, by paying a surcharge of € 5.00. The bib change cannot be done by the user independently but must be requested by email to the following address:info@beccadinona.it.

The registration holder must send the details of the substitute, including a copy of the medical certificate. The bib change will be formalized when the organization receives by bank transfer (payable to ASD Becca di Nona 3142 - IBAN: IT05X0200801399000105886439) the € 5.00 due.

Art. 8 Gadget finisher

A gadget will be given to all finishers. The finisher's gadget will not be given to those who simply collect the bib or to those who start without reaching the finish line.

Art. 9 Mandatory material

By registering, each runner signs the commitment to carry the mandatory equipment listed below for the entire duration of the race, under penalty of disqualification.

Mandatory material can be checked at the start, arrival and in spot positions along the route.

Mandatory material:

  • windproof jacket;
  • frontal.

Recommended material:

  • spare T-shirt;
  • long-sleeved shirt;
  • long trousers;
  • water reserve and food reserve;
  • Sticks;
  • cellular.

Art. 10 Pettoral

Each bib is issued individually to each competitor upon presentation of a photo ID, or to a third party with a specific written proxy and including a photocopy of the delegating party's identity document. The bib must be worn on the chest or belly and be visible at all times and in its entirety throughout the race. It must therefore be placed on top of all clothing and under no circumstances fixed elsewhere. Before the start, each runner must be registered, passing through the gates to the closed starting area. The competitor must verify that the registration has been made upon arrival. Punching is therefore essential to ascertain the actual presence of the competitor. In case of failure to register the passage, the costs for the search for the runner will be charged to the runner himself.

Art. 11 Self-sufficiency

The race is self-sufficient in water and food, there is a refreshment point with food and water exclusively at the finish.

Personal assistance along the route is prohibited: it is forbidden to be accompanied on the route by another person who is not regularly registered.

Art. 12 Maximum Authorized Time

The maximum time of the BeccaNight test, for the entire route, is set at 2 hours.

In case of bad weather conditions and/or for safety reasons, the organization reserves the right to suspend the race in progress, delay the start or change the route.

Art. 13 Animal prohibitions

To ensure the best safety conditions for all participants, it is forbidden to compete accompanied by pets, whether they are on a leash or not. Competitors with pets in tow will be automatically disqualified and considered outside the race, therefore held responsible for any damage caused to themselves, to other competitors, to third parties in general.

Art. 14 Abandonments and returns

In the event of abandonment of the ride along the route, the competitor is obliged, as soon as he has the opportunity, to go to the nearest checkpoint to communicate his abandonment by registering. If the runner is not notified of withdrawal and the subsequent start of the runner's research, any resulting expenses will be charged to the runner himself.

Art. 15 Penalties and disqualifications

Inspectors on the route are authorized to verify the presence of the mandatory equipment and in general, compliance with the entire regulations. Please note that in case of absence of mandatory material, according to the regulations, the runner will be disqualified or will be penalized.

Irregularities ascertained, also by means of video images, received by the organization after the race, may cause disqualification. The jury of the competition may disqualify a competitor, in the event of a serious violation of the regulations, in particular for:

  • bib worn in a non-compliant manner;
  • bib exchange;
  • lack of obligatory equipment;
  • use of a means of transport;
  • departure after the time barrier;
  • doping or refusal to submit to a doping control;
  • failure to assist another competitor in the event of difficulty;
  • use of personal assistance outside of permitted points;
  • abandonment of one's own material along the way;
  • failure to comply with the prohibition to be accompanied on the route;
  • littering along the way;
  • pollution or degradation of the place by a competitor or a member of his staff;
  • insults, rudeness or threats against members of the organization or volunteers;
  • refusal to be examined by a doctor of the organization at any time during the race.

Art. 16 Complaints

Only written complaints are accepted within a maximum of 30 minutes from the posting of the provisional results, with delivery of a deposit of € 100.00 non-refundable if the appeal is not accepted.

Art. 17 Jury

The jury is composed of competent persons appointed by the president of the organizing committee. The jury will communicate, with a timing appropriate to the timing of the race, decisions regarding disqualifications or penalties. Decisions are final.

Art. 18 Changes to the route - Cancellation of the race

The organization reserves the right to change the route or the location of the rescue and refreshment points at any time, without prior notice. In the event of adverse weather conditions that put the safety of the competitors at risk, the start may be postponed or cancelled, the route may be modified and shortened, or the race may be stopped at any point on the track. The suspension or cancellation of the race will not entitle the competitors to any refund of the registration fee.

Art. 19 Map of the route

The topographic map of the route, in its most up-to-date edition, will be available on the official website of the racewww.beccadinona.it.No copy of the route map will be given with the bibs to the competitors.

Art. 20 Insurance

The organization signs liability insurance for the entire trial period. Participation takes place under the full responsibility of the competitors, who waive any appeal against the organizers in the event of damage and additional consequences that arise as a result of the race. At the time of registration the runner must sign a disclaimer.

Art. 21 Rankings and prizes

The following will be awarded:

  • The top 5 men's teams;
  • The top 5 women's teams;
  • The top 5 teams in the mixed category.

No cash prizes will be distributed.

Art. 22 Rights to the image

Each competitor expressly renounces to make use of the image rights connected to the test as well as renounces any recourse against the organization and its authorized partners, for

the use of his image.