13in Edition
13 km / 2,500 m
Maximum time: 4 hours



Art. 1 Organization

The association "Becca di Nona 3142 a.s.d.", in collaboration with the Municipality of Charvensod and the Municipality of Aosta, organizes the biennial verticals called "Aosta – Becca di Nona” and "Aosta – Comboé” which will take place on Sunday, July 21, 2024.

Art. 2 Acceptance of the Regulation

The competitions will take place in accordance with these regulations, any changes and notices that will be published on the website www.beccadinona.it .

Participation in the above events entails, on the part of registered competitors, the unreserved acceptance of this regulation, in all its parts.

Competitors are also required to comply with the road code, particularly in sections where the track crosses the ordinary roadway which will not be closed to vehicle traffic.

By registering, each competitor undertakes to comply with these Regulations and declines the organizers from any civil or criminal liability for any accident or accident, for damage to persons or things derived from him or caused by himself, which may occur before, during and after the event.

Art. 3 Try

The test consists of a race on foot in a natural environment that runs through roads, paths and mule tracks, the territories of the Municipality of Aosta and the Municipality of Charvensod.

There are two paths, specifically:

  • Aosta – Becca di Nona with a length of about 13 km and an elevation gain of 2500 meters;
  • Aosta – Comboé with a development of about 9 km and a positive elevation gain of 1500 meters.

Art. 4 Participation

The race is open to all people, men and women who:

  • were born by 21 July 2008 for the Aosta test – Comboé;
  • have reached the age of 18 on the date of the race, for the Aosta test – Becca di Nona.

And that they are in possession of:

sports medical certificate for competitive activity valid on the date of performance. Self-certification or declaration of healthy and robust physical constitution issued by your doctor is not allowed. For athletes of foreign nationality is not required the medical certificate of competitive activity but it is necessary to send the form (downloadable from the site) completed and signed by your family doctor.

Children under the age of 18 must also provide a release signed by a parent.

Art. 5 Registration procedures

Registration will open on 1° April 2024 at 20:00 and will close on 30 June 2024 or upon reaching a total of 650 registered competitors (500 for Aosta-Becca di Nona and 150 for Aosta-Comboé). Registrations must be made exclusively online with payment at the same time as the Internet page wedosport.net

If the registered competitor does not provide the sports medical certificate, the bib will not be delivered and the competitor will not be able to take part in the race, without the right to any refund of the registration fee.

Art. 6 Entry fees

Registration fees for Aosta – Nona's Becca are as follows:

  • From 1° to 150° Subscriber: 25 €
  • From 151° to 350° Subscriber: 30 €
  • From 351° to 500° Subscriber: 35 €

Registration fees for Aosta – Comboé are as follows:

  • From 1° to 75° Enrolment: 20 euro
  • From 76° to 150° registered: 25 euros

The registration fee includes all the services described in these regulations, the final lunch, the technical head for finishers only, all assistance and supplies during the race.

Art. 7 Bib change

It is possible to change the name of the bib number strictly by 12:00 noon on 10 July 2024, by paying a surcharge of € 5.00. The bib change cannot be done by the user independently but must be requested by email to the following address: info@beccadinona.it.

The registration holder must send the details of the substitute, including a copy of the medical certificate. The bib change will be formalized when the organization receives by bank transfer (payable to ASD Becca di Nona 3142 - IBAN: IT05X0200801399000105886439) the € 5,00 due..

Art. 8 Gadget finisher

A Cimalp technical t-shirt will be given to all finishers of Aosta-Becca di Nona and Aosta-Comboé. The finisher's gadget will not be given to those who simply pick up the bib or to those who start but do not reach the finish line.

Art. 9 Mandatory material

With the registration each runner signs the commitment to bring with him for the duration of the race the mandatory material listed below, subject to disqualification.

The obligatory equipment can be checked at the start, at the finish and in random positions along the route. Obligatory equipment:

  • windproof jacket

Recommended material:

  • warm clothes (fundamental in case of cold weather)
  • long trousers
  • water and food supply
  • emergency blanket
  • hat or bandana
  • trekking poles
  • mobile phone

The organization reserves the right to modify the list of mandatory equipment according to the expected weather conditions.

Art. 10 Pettoral

Each bib is individually returned to each competitor on the presentation of a photo ID, or to a third person with a special written delegation and including photocopy of the delegate's IDENTITY document. The bib must be worn on the chest or belly and be visible always and in its entirety throughout the race. It must therefore be placed on top of all clothing and in no case fixed elsewhere. Before the start, each runner must be registered, passing through the gates to the closed starting area. The competitor must verify that the registration has taken place at the checkpoints and on arrival. The punching is therefore essential to ascertain the actual presence of the competitor. If the pass is not registered, the costs of finding the runner will be charged to the runner himself.

Art. 11 Control posts and refuelling posts

Only runners with a clearly visible bib have access to refuelling points.

On the website www.beccadinona.it The map of the route is published, which identifies the refreshment points (where only drinks will be available), the control point and the rescue points. For the Aosta-Becca di Nona there will be a single checkpoint located together with the intermediate one in Comboé. "Flying" control points will also be placed. Their location will not be communicated by the organization.

The organization reserves, in its unquestionable judgment, to inhibit the continuation of the competition to individual athletes if it detects dangerous conditions for their health and/or in the absence of safety conditions.

Art. 12 Maximum authorised time and time barriers

The maximum time of the Aosta test – Becca di Nona, for the entire route, is set in 4 hours. A time gate will also be placed, after 2h 20’ from the start, in the locality of Comboé (after about 1500 meters of elevation gain). Competitors who will pass through Comboé beyond the time limit of 2h 20’ they will be stopped and included in the Aosta ranking – Comboé, these competitors will therefore have the right to collect the finisher's gadget intended for Aosta-Comboé and not that of Aosta-Becca di Nona. The competitor who wishes to continue without a bib, out of the race, will do so assuming all responsibility for the consequences that may derive from him.

In case of bad weather conditions and/or for safety reasons, the organization reserves the right to cancel the race, suspend the race in progress, delay the start, change the route or modify the time barriers.

The maximum time of the Aosta test – Comboè, for the entire route, is set in 3h 30'.

Art. 13 Animal prohibitions

To ensure the best safety conditions for all participants, it is forbidden to compete by pets whether they are on a leash or not. Competitors with pets in tow will automatically be disqualified and considered outside the race, therefore held responsible for any damage done to themselves, to other competitors, to third parties in general.

Art. 14 Abandonments and returns

In the event of abandonment of the ride along the route, the competitor is obliged, as soon as he has the opportunity, to go to the nearest checkpoint to communicate his abandonment by registering. If the runner is not notified of withdrawal and the subsequent start of the runner's research, any resulting expenses will be charged to the runner himself.

Art. 15 Penalties and disqualifications

Controllers on the route are allowed to check for the presence of the mandatory material and in general, compliance with the entire regulation. Please note that in the absence of mandatory material, under the regulation, the runner will be disqualified or will be penalized.

The irregularities found, even through video images, received by the organization after the race, may cause disqualifications. The jury of the race may disqualify a competitor, in case of serious violation of the regulation, in particular for:

  • race bib number worn improperly
  • switching bib numbers
  • missed passage at a check point
  • lack of mandatory material
  • use of any mean of transport
  • leaving any check point after the established time limit
  • doping or refuse to get an anti-doping test
  • refusing or neglecting to assist another participant who needs help
  • personal assistance outside of the authorized points
  • dropping their own equipment along the track
  • being accompained along the race (which is, of course, forbidden)
  • dropping garbage along the track
  • polluting or degrating the environment (not only competitors but also their staff must respect the environment, otherwise the competitor will be disqualified)
  • insults, rudeness or threats against members of the organization or volunteers
  • refuse to be examined by a doctor (approved by the Organisers) at any moment during the race

Art. 16 Complaints

Only written complaints are accepted within a maximum of 30 minutes from the posting of the provisional results, with delivery of a deposit of € 100.00 non-refundable if the appeal is not accepted.

Art. 17 Jury

The jury is composed of the organizing committee and any competent persons designated by the president of the organizing committee.

The jury will communicate, with a timely consistency with the timing of the race, decisions regarding disqualifications or penalties. Decisions are unquestive.

Art. 18 Changes to the route or time barriers - Cancellation of the race

The organization reserves the right to change the route or location of rescue and refreshment places at any time, without warning. In the event of adverse weather conditions that put the safety of competitors at risk, the start can be postponed or cancelled, the route can be modified and reduced, or the ride can be stopped at any point on the track. The suspension or cancellation of the ride will not entitle competitors to any refund of the registration fee.

Art. 19 Map of the route

The topographic map of the route, in its most up-to-date edition, will be available on the official website of the race

www.beccadinona.it . No copy of the route map will be given with the bibs to the competitors.

Art. 20 Insurance

The organization takes out liability insurance for the entire period of the trial. Participation is the sole responsibility of the competitors, who waive any recourse against the organizers in the event of damages and further consequences that occur as a result of the race. At the time of registration, the runner must sign a waiver of liability. The descent of athletes who have finished the race crossing the finish line, or who have eventually withdrawn, is not under the responsibility of the organization. The organization is therefore not responsible for any damage to people or property resulting after the finish of the race

Art. 21 Rankings and awards

The following will be rewarded:

  • first 10 male and female competitors of the Aosta – Becca di Nona race
  • the first 5 over 50 men's and women's of the O.O.S.
  • the top 5 male and female absolutes of the Aosta-Comboé

No cash prizes will be distributed and category prizes cannot be combined with absolute prizes.

Art. 22 Rights to the image

Each competitor expressly waives the right to use the image rights connected to the test as well as renounces

any recourse against the organization and its authorized partners, for the use of its image.